Stuck. So bloody stuck I nearly resorted to checking online for answers.
Basically you have two routes you have to go down, one to activate some heating pipes and the other to activate the generator.
But having no initiative I didn’t guess that and was flitting between the two routes (for no fucking reason I might add) has drained a tonne of my life. All to just defeat the weird large crab monster from the last post, except it took so damn long that’s all I have to say for this fricking post.
It really doesn’t help that I’ve been at the Jim Beam and it’s a work night. So have some sodding pictures. To be honest nobody younger than me is this late to the Half Life party.
It was nice to kill that crab-cunt, especially after a small number of back-track saves and several runs through the centre shaft as it seems to randomly kill you.
Not sure what energy filled Gas this could be, nor how exactly it set fire, but won’t complain either way.
So now have reached a slightly more alien domain, filled with ovarian matter and hopefully less antagonistic enemies.
Tales from the Half Life Pt. 6
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